Hey, all you mamas and dads: In your life before parenthood, have you ever had to get creative about changing your kids’ diapers? To the uninitiated, it’s NO fun. Because changing tables are actually pretty hard to find, and whether or not you locate one, the poop’s got to go somewhere.
If you’re lucky and happen to be at a big arena, you’ll find a changing table in the family bathroom. But it also means you’ll have to stand in an interminably long line with 20 other parent-child teams, waiting. But even that is better than charging into the restroom, fussy baby under the arm only to find no changing table. There’s even a website for parents to plot their changing strategy.
So we parents have to get creative. Often I find myself changing an offensive diaper in the car — an art I am yet to fully master.

Parenting survival skill #1,033: change diaper in car.
My routine:
1. Lay out diaper changing mat. (Assuming I remembered to put it in the diaper bag.) If I forgot, lay out anything you can find as seat protection, including receipts, extra papers or flattened cups. If you clean your car regularly, you’re out of luck.
2. Angle child across seat which inconveniently slants, causing child to roll into seat. Remember, you are only using one seat because car seat base takes up the entire middle section. This is when a changing partner who can reach around from front seat and hold child in place is a lifesaver.
3. Lay out supplies including plastic grocery bag you hopefully remembered for used wipes.
4. Change diaper.
5. Ignore passersby that curiously look into your car to see why your butt is hanging out as you lean in your backseat.
This method works in nice weather. In the pouring rain, I have resorted to pushing back the front passenger seat and crouching on the floor under the dash. It’s all about creative survival, people.
One final step: Remember to throw away used wipes and dirty diapers. Especially in the summer. If you forget once, trust me in that you’ll never forget again.
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