A typical day finds me doing this … I decided to record one and here’s what happened…
7:30 AM: My iPhone alarm sounds! After a couple hits to the snooze button, I’m up and at ’em!
8:30 AM: This is the “designated time” to leave my house!

these guys and gals make me smile every morning ...
On my way to work …

Same thing: Grande-Non Fat-No Whip-Extra Hot-Mocha!!!
Without my coffee, I’m not so nice 🙂
9:04 AM: Arrive at work! I’m either 5 minutes early, or 5 minutes late … what’s up with that!

researching for my next blog post ...
9:05 AM to 11-ish:
Emails, check.
Update blog, check.
Check out my Facebook page, check.
Respond to comments, check.
Emails (again), check check.

Dad, Me and Ry ... paying very close attention
11:30 AM: A GM Product Trainer came for a visit to talk about the Chevy Silverado! Did you know that the tailgate can hold up to 500lbs? Wowzer …

Pretzel Time!!!
I think I’m addicted to pretzels … I find myself munching on them all day!
1:00 PM: Making rounds, saying hi, catching up … it’s what I do! 🙂

Best-friend from college stopped in to buy some tires!!!
Good choice on the tires, Emily!
2:00PM: Meeting with INK to discuss advertising options. Thanks for stopping by Vanessa and Chris!

My main man "JIM" and I meet afterwards to discuss our options...
3:00PM: Get out of my office! Hang out up front where all the action happens!

catching up with Mimi ... Used Cars Baby!
4:00PM: Start preparing for the next day … (I’ve got a video to shoot and need to do some research …)

Picture from recent blog ... (Mimi helps with photography 🙂
5:00 PM: Time to Tweet and then it’s more e-mails, updates and responses.

My little MacBook is my friend!!!
6:00 PM: Early Night: Meeting mom for dinner at one of our favorite places …


Nice Mom!!! 🙂
7:30 PM: Swinging by my sis-n-laws to see the cutest little nugget!

Say hello to Cayden .... aka MR. C!!!
I might’ve snatched a bit of his grilled cheese sandwich … YUM!
8:30PM: HOME!

Is it too early for bed ???

On that note ... 🙂
Good night!!
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